While having  my prayers this morning I read a portion of the Bible that talks about Gratitude using the case of the ten lepers that was healed and how one of them cried with a loud voice to appreciate him and others received their miracles and left quietly without a show of appreciation

A salient point from the write-up stuck me up which says ” you may not always win all the battles in life but we should always remember what God has given us already and thank him for that”

You see, we pray, we fast but some battles might not actually be won in this life.

This life is not our own and we can’t expect all that we need or to always be at comfort. There are challenges, there are battles but we should always remember that he who fights all battles on our behalf as a better plan for us.

We have goodly treasure in heaven waiting for us which should be our main focus. When battles are not being won instead of complaining or whining about the present condition why can’t you look on the side that is brightest which is the heavenly home he has for use.

Lazarus was poor and sick in his life time, maybe he had prayed and fasted but is request was not granted. But he never missed that heavenly home.

My fellows, always put in your thoughts that even if you can’t get the riches of this world. The riches of his kingdom should not be missed.

PS: Being poor doesn’t equates righteousness.

          E_starz writes.


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